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Hospitality wallcoverings Wallpaper

What type of wall decor for hotels?

Wall decor plays an important role in hotel decoration, and is sure to make a lasting impression on your guests. Wallpaper is a natural solution, thanks to its versatility and simplicity. Here are a few factors to consider when choosing wallpaper.

The theme of the hotel's decor - whether it's a city, a period, or a setting such as nature - should of course be the basis for consideration and decorative wallpaper. Among the themes to be favored, however, those invoking vegetation, escape and travel are elements that frequently appeal to guests. Thinking about a décor that draws on the history of the hotel, its town or its region will also be a very interesting base. The style and period of the building's construction should also be taken into account, so as to fit in with a story and build a coherent narrative.

Once these decorative outlines have been clearly defined, the search for a panorama can begin. and must be supported by color elements. Papiers de Paris tries to offer a very vase-like collection, but you can also ask us to do an iconographic search if you don't find what you're looking for. It's also possible to request color adaptations for a large part of our collections..

In bedrooms, soothing wallpaper with subtle patterns can help guests relax, while in communal areas such as lobbies and restaurants, bolder patterns and bright colors can create a dynamic, welcoming atmosphere.

Panoramic wallpapers are also an excellent option for adding a touch of elegance and grandeur to certain areas, such as lobbies or reception rooms.




In which areas of the hotel should a panoramic wallpaper be placed?

A panoramic in the lobby

First of all, lobbies and reception areas are ideal places to install panoramic wallpaper. These spaces will be the first your guests see, so they're an interesting place to make a strong impression. By offering your guests a refined atmosphere as soon as they arrive, they'll be immediately seduced and will certainly retain positive memories of their arrival in your establishment.

Dans le lobby

Tout d'abord, les halls d'entrée et les réceptions sont des endroits idéaux où installer un papier peint panoramique. Ces espaces seront les premiers que vos clients verront et constituent donc un lieu intéressant pour faire forte impression. En offrant à votre hôte une atmosphère rafinée dès son arrivée, celui ci sera immédiatement séduit et gardera certainement un souvenir positif de son arrivée dans votre établissement.

In the bedrooms

Of course, the guest room is where you'll want to make them feel comfortable, and where the decor will be particularly meticulous. The installation of a wall decoration will be highly appreciated.

In the restaurant

Last but not least, the restaurant or breakfast room is one of the most frequently decorated areas. These spaces, where customers spend a great deal of time, should be given priority to create a special, pleasant setting.


Which wallcovering to use in a hotel?

When choosing a wallcovering to decorate a hotel, the search for quality and durability is a given. Other factors may come into play, such as fire resistance or washability.

Certain areas, especially common areas, will require the installation of fire-resistant paper. We offer several types of covering, including paper, polyester and vinyl, each with a well-documented fire rating.

Abrasion resistance and washability are also important criteria in certain areas. These characteristics are particularly important in high-traffic areas. Our polyester fabrics can be a natural choice for these rooms. Paper can also be varnished to increase washability and facilitate maintenance.

Ease of installation can also be a factor. While our wallpapers are installed in rolls to be juxtaposed to form the decor, polyester canvases can be produced in large 3m widths, enabling 10m decorations to be created without any joins!

Finally, the choice of covering must of course be made according to its decorative qualities. Each material has its own "feel" and matte finish, criteria that must be taken into account to offer the best decorative effect in your establishment. Our teams can advise you on how to make the right choice.

All these aspects, properly considered, guarantee an aesthetic and functional result that meets the unique needs of the hospitality industry.


Some examples of completed projects

Take a look at some of our projects.
below: Our Eden d%C3%A9cor in Gr%C3%A8s color, Maison Blanche, Chartres. Design and image: Agence Mise en Valeur

Papier peint paysage Eden hotel   Below: hotel Intercontinental Opéra - Paris le Grand
Papier peint Sur mesure hotel   Below: hotel Marriott Opéra
Papier peint forêt hotel   Below: Chinoiserie wallpaper, Hotel Villa Gallici
Papier peint Chinoiserie hotel   Below: Hotel de Saulon
Papier peint paysage 18e

When it comes to designing or adapting wallpaper in line with the decor and style required by our customers, Papiers de Paris offers responsiveness and a wide range of possibilities.

Order a Luxury panoramic wallpaper for the hotel industry

Do you have a hotel renovation project, and want to give your rooms, lobbies or dining rooms a unique touch? We'll be happy to work with you to imagine your project and meet your technical requirements.

About the author

Photo portrait de l'auteur

Jean-Baptiste Denis

linkedin de Jean-Baptiste Denis

Trained as an engineer and draughtsman, he is passionate about art history and ornamentation in architecture and decoration.
Founder of Papiers de Paris

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