Eden - 1861 - wallpaper muralREFERENCE EDEN Themes: Landscapes- Size : 69' x 287' Panoramic wallpaper from the french 18th century Desfossé factory , created in 1861 and designed by Joseph Louis Fuchs . A leading with a lush exotic landscape, drilled more distant views of rivers , mountains, birds and animals. Made in France on non-woven mat paper. Supplied in strips of 36 inches (91cm), poses alongside. Available in 2 sizes :
and 7 colors : Black and White / Cold grey / Grenn water / Neutral grey / original color / Pastel / Warm colors / Sandstone / Warm grey Credit: ( c) MAD Paris/ Jean Tholance / Papers Paris
Numéro d'inventaire : 52450 A-a-F Nombre de parties : 6
Nombre d'objets : 1 Price per roll (not the full design)/ Choose the size and desired quantity below / The numbers of desired strips are to be informed in comment (step2) or by email to contact@papiersdeparis.com |
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