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Our panoramic forest wallpapers

2018-06-07 | GUIDE
Our panoramic forest wallpapers

A beautiful forest with trees in your interior, here is our selection of our 5 forest wallpapers.

Do you want a forest getaway among conifers and wild animals? We have created a series of panoramic decorations that can meet your desires. Here is our selection of 5 forest-style wallpapers that can give you a new look at nature.

Our selection

Papier peint paysage sous bois  
Wooded forest decor with hunting scenes made with a 17th century engraving.

Les sous-bois - Papiers de Paris - Collection particulière

Papier peint paysage champetre  
Made from a series of panels called "Les Cinq Sens" produced by Jean-Baptiste Oudry.

Paysage champêtre - Papiers de Paris - (C) RMN-Grand Palais (Château de Versailles) / Daniel Arnaudet / Jean Schormans

Papier peint jardin d arcueil  


Wallpaper from a drawing titled by Jean-Baptiste Oudry representing a very tree-lined garden.

Jardin d'Arcueil - Papiers de Paris - (C) Beaux-Arts de Paris, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais

Papier peint eden  

Designed by Joseph Fuchs, this setting immerses you in a wild landscape where nature reigns supreme with trees, plants and various animals.

Eden - Papiers de Paris - (C) MAD Paris / Jean Tholance / Papiers de Paris

Papier peint foret du bresil  

Panoramic decor inspired by the work of Charles de Clarac called "Virgin Forest of Brazil".

Forêt du Brésil - Papiers de Paris - (C) RMN / Thierry Le Mage